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How different is your reality from mine? Perhaps we look at this world absolutely identically, or maybe, looking at a white birch, you see it as slender and white, and I am blue-orange and hooked?

Neuroscientists say that each of us not only has our own view of this or that situation, but literally our own reality. To describe this phenomenon, scientists use the term "umwelt" (umwelt), introduced into science by the German biologist and philosopher Jakob Johann von Uexkull.

Today, umwelt means the whole world of perception and action, which builds for itself every biological species and an individual in it. It is assumed that each animal and each person chooses from the whole variety of external signals (sounds, smells, colors, and so on) only those that correspond to its capabilities and help its survival.

My project is a kind of path through perceptual reality. Deconstructing the elements of the natural landscape, I create a new world that lives according to its own laws of gravity, inhabited by unknown creatures, speaking its own language. Such an interpretation of the images allows me to better understand who I am in relation to the rest of the world, is it so important to be identified in a common coordinate system or should I focus on the inner individuality? And what if we are all just insignificant fragments of alien realities?

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